Home Doddington Panto Treasure Island Pics Other Pantomime Scripts
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Here is the script
for my adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Treasure Island' as a pantomime.
Other panto scripts are available to view on line and/or you can Email for
a perusal copy (see link below). This pantomime script is now sold via Jasper Publishing
Click Here To Buy / For Perusal Copy Sample of script below.
Obviously some parts are specific to Doddington but that just needs adapting to your location and community. If your writing your own pantomime scripts of interest may be Paul Harris's book, containing pantomime sketches and panto gags, an excellent resource for anyone writing pantomime scripts. Click on the book picture . For affordable pantomime sheet music try looking on Ebay Sheet Music on Ebay for pantomimes
Pantomime Scripts - Treasure Island
SONG – 'Have a Drink on Me' (Rousing pub song foot stamping hand clapping
Song ends with Widow ringing hand bell calling "Time Gentlemen Please"
and added remarks like "Go on sling yer hooks".
Enter Jim with broom sweeping floor
JIM: (To audience) Hello boys
& Girls, My names Jim Hawkins and I had a great adventure involving a
treasure map, a sea voyage, a treasure island, Indians & fighting with pirates.
Would you like to hear about it? . (Adapt to audience response)
: I remember it like it happened yesterday. In fact it
did happen yesterday. A strange seafaring man came to the Benbow Inn. The Inn
was run by my widowed mother, she didn’t like that sailor on sight, which
was unusual as my mother was a gentle softly spoken woman with a kind word for
everyone, and particularly fond of me.
WIDOW: (angry shout) You lazy good
for nothing lout, stop standing there talking to yourself, are you deaf?
Someone’s banging on the door, go and let them in and be quick about it before
you feel the back of my hand.
JIM: (to audience) Of course she
had her off days. Yes mum (exit Jim Stage
WIDOW (To herself whilst wiping
tables/glasses) The youth of today, want it all handed on a plate, I work
my fingers to the bone to keep a roof over our heads and what do I get for it?
……………. Boney fingers!.
Enter Stage Right: Jim followed
by Billy Bones
JIM: Mum there’s a seafaring man to see you
BONES: Evening Maam!
Would you be the Widow Hawkins landlady of this ere Benbow Inn?
WIDOW: Yes I am, (Jim sweeping with
broom nearby) and no I don’t want
cheaper gas cheaper electricity or cheaper phone calls, coz they haven’t been
invented yet! So sling your hook!
BONES: Avast there, don’t be so hasty in giving me a
broadside, and I don’t strike me colours so easy. I looking to find a nice snug
harbour to warp into and drop me anchor, if you knows what I mean.
WIDOW: You cheeky scoundrel you keep your anchor where it is, and you’re not
dropping it any where near me. You sailors are all the same, disgusting
degenerates; you see a lady and all you can think of is how to get your anchor
JIM : (INTERRUPTS) Mum, Mum I think he means he just wants a room.
BONES: That’s right lad, I need a berth for a while,
what would your name be boy?
WIDOW: He’s my son Jim not that its any of your business!. Why didn’t you say
you wanted a room in the first place instead of talking all that nautical mumbo
BONES: You’re a feisty vessel an no mistake, be no
easy boarding that’s for sure!. But
I’ll warrant you’re seaworthy enough, with a sound bottom that doesn’t leak a
drop. Makes me think of me last ship the old Arethusa.
WIDOW (to Jim suspicious) Whats he
talking about and how does my bottom come into it?
JIM He says you remind him of his last ship mum!
WIDOW: (Preening) Oh What was it? A
sleak beautiful racing yacht with a body designed for speed?
BONES : No she was a big fat old tub of a battle ship
badly in need of having her bottom scraped.
WIDOW: You insolent rascal get off my
premises at once before I call a Bow Street Runner.
BONES: Easy me hearty, stand down from quarters, I
mean you no harm, I was giving you a compliment.
WIDOW. A compliment was it? A
compliment? A compliment to say I’m a big fat old battleship, and my bottom
needs scraping? Is that what you call a compliment is it?
BONES: No maam, I didn’t mean you were big fat and
ugly, I mean a err woman with your err obvious
feminine charms how could I ?. No maam all I meant was, you was like The Old Arethusa because she …..(Pauses to think) … errr was regal, and dignified like a queen. She
looked after crew and brought them home no matter what.
(mollified) Well, all right, I suppose that’s not so bad then being called regal,
and queenly, I am a very cultured lady or as the French would say Defence de
BONES You speak French?
WIDOW Aurevoir! All high society ladies speak French don’t you know.
JIM What happened to the ‘Old Arethusa’
BONES She sank at anchor with all hands. Now down to
business. I just want a berth for a
while. This eres an Inn aint it? You’ve got rooms for sale aint you?
WIDOW: Hummph! Rooms are fourpence a night, a sixpence if you want sheets, a
shilling if you want clean sheets. I can’t abide naval men.
JIM (To Audience) My father was a seadog, he seldom came home.
WIDOW: Your father was a dirty dog, he never came home. Sailors are all the
same untrustworthy without a pot to ….. cook in. So payment in advance & a
deposit for breakages. So Popeye, Pugwash, Hornblower or whatever your name is,
show me your money or I’ll show you my door.
BONES: The names Bones, Captain Billy Bones. (Reaches into pocket comes out with bag of
coins, and chinks bag in from of widow bringing out at gold coin from bag)
Here’s a gold doubloon for me berth and vittels, you let old Billy Bones know
when that’s run out. (Tosses coin to
Widow who hopefully catches it)
WIDOW (Fawning having seen all the
money) Welcome Admiral, err ahoy I
mean. I always liked the navy, haven’t
I Jim ? I’m always saying how much of a pleasure it is to get gentleman
from the navy here, senior service and all that. Always a real pleasure to have
sailors at the ‘Admiral’ yes it’s the (emphasis)
‘Admiral’ Benbow Inn, named after a sailor, were all very nautical here,
errr aye aye, errr Mr Christian, errr welcome aboard skipper, suppers at errrr
20 bells to half past 6 ahoy Birdseye fish fingers for tea.
BONES (to Jim)
Whats she talking about lad? Is she Ill?
JIM She’s just got a touch of gold fever, she’ll be alright in a minute.
BONES : Now you’re a bright handsome lad, how would
you like to do me a little service and earn yourself a silver sixpence?
JIM Dream on sailor, this is the 18th Century and the minimum
wage is a crown.
BONES: I want
you to keep a weather eye open for a seafaring man with one leg, and let me
know if you see him. I’ll give you a crown a day to keep a watch out.
JIM: It’s a deal, I haven’t seen a one legged man today so that’s a crown
please (Bones hands over crown)
WIDOW. Mont Blanc! I’ll cook you my specialty French cuisine A’ddock A La
Hawkins. Come and sit down captain (takes
Bones to chair) My own recipe, warm
haddock with a Malibu & Cherryaid sauce with a hint of peanut butter. My cooking should be cordon bleu!
JIM (To audience) Her cooking
should be cordoned off!
WIDOW: Would you like something to drink while you wait for dinner?
JIM (to audience) He’ll need a stiff drink if
he’s having A’ddock a La Hawkins
BONES: A large tot of rum would brace me rigging,
thankee kindly
WIDOM: I’ll get the barmaid. Helga! Helga!, where is that useless girl, Barmaid
(claps hands)
BARMAID (to Captain) Ja ?
large tot of rum wench and quick about it
(Barmaid goes to get rum)
Jim) Is she a vessel looking for a skipper with a
firm hand lad ?
Well she’s known hereabouts as
the Barmaid that always says ‘Ja’.
barmaid serves drink) so you’re a girl who never
says no?
BONES and you know how to give a sailor a warm
BONES Whats your name girl?
BONES – Are you trying to be funny wench?
BONES Do you take me for some kind of fool?
BARMAID – Ja (Barmaid retires to bar and
wipes glasses)
Jim) Is she a bit soft in the head lad
JIM – Ja! err I mean no, Her name is Helga, she’s from Sweden & doesn’t
speak any English, the only word she knows is ‘Yes’.
JIM – (TO AUDIENCE) Now there was
some strange things about the captain, he’d call roughly for more rum
BONES Wench, roughly more rum,
BARMAID (pouring more rum) Ja.!
JIM – (TO AUDIENCE) Then he’d start singing a
strange song that wasn’t in the charts at the time!
BONES (To tune of 4 & 20 virgins) Four and
carries on a few bars)
JIM (Interrupts) No not that
song, the other song
BONES Oh, (drinks more rum – Sings 15 men on a dead mans chest etc - Loud backing from back
JIM How do you do that?
BONES Do what?
JIM You know when you sing (sings 1ST VERSE 15 men on a dead mans chest etc
with help from back stage)
BONES – Just happens
JIM – (TO AUDIENCE) and another strange thing. Before the Captain came we always had lots of regular customers at the Benbow Inn like the local farmers:
SINGING FARMING SONG – (I’ve got a combine harvester I’ll give you the key?)
1 A hearty morning to one and all. (To Bones) Greetings stranger and a warm welcome to these ere parts
2 Indeed friend we bid you a warm hearty welcome (slap thigh)
1 Come friend name your song and we will give you a
rousing tune
BONES – (Pulls
flintlock pistol out) Well shipmates
do you know the little ditty ‘I shot the Farmer, but I didn’t shoot his
deputy’? (Sings
first few lines of song to tune ‘I Shot the Sheriff’f with adapted lyrics
- I shot the farmer)
1 (Nervous) Err I don’t think we know that
one friend
2 (nervous)
Come come fellow, be hearty and of good cheer, name a song and we will sing it
for you in friendship.
BONES –All right me hearties Can you sing (Pulls out cutlass runs thumber along blade) ‘Goodness gracious great balls of fire? –
Soprano? (Sings
first verse ‘Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire’)
FARMER1 – I just remembered I must get
home and look after my fruit orchard (leaving)
FARMER2 – That’s right – me too, must dash bye all (leaving)
JIM (TO AUDIENCE) So for some strange reason after the Captain came
people stopped coming to the Benbow Inn. My mother never could understand why.
WIDOW (With tray of glasses and a
‘bottle’) I brought some more glasses because I saw the regulars are in (Notices farmers gone) Oh! What happened
to the farmers?
BONES: They had to run off, they were worried about
their plums
WIDOW Vin Rouge!, Well captain your dinner, A’ddock ala Hawkins, is ready on the table. Jim take the captain through to the ‘ a la carte’ (emphasis) restaurant.
JIM A la carte what?
WIDOW You know the a la carte restaurant, You know!!.(nudges Jim)
JIM We haven’t got an a la carte restaurant just a dining room
WIDOW (To Bones) Excuse my son he’s never been the same since he got a blow to the head
BONES: When did that happen?
WIDOW Just now (cuffs Jim) take the captain thru to the dining room, I mean a la carte restaurant.
JIM Yes mum, this way Captain
BILLY BONES (to widow) Thankee kindly (Exit Jim & Billy Bones stage right)
WIDOW (calling after Billy Bones) I’ll be through in a second captain with the Horses Doovreees and I’ve made extra peanut butter sauce for you!.(Picks up bottle from tray) Helga, Helga! This is a specimen from Mr Jones in room 4, you know the one with the disease, Dr Liversey will be in to collect it. Give it the Doctor.
(Barmaid takes hold of bottle pulls bottle towards her but Widow does not let go of bottle but extends her arm with bottle)
WIDOW; ( pulling bottle back to herself barmaid extends arm with bottle) Do you understand, give this to the Doctor ,
BARMAID Ja (Pulls back bottle)
WIDOW (Pulls back bottle) Mr Jones wee wee, give to doctor, do you understand give to Doctor ?
BARMAID Ja (Pulls back bottle)
WIDOW (Releases bottle) Good ! Now I’ve go to get on with dinner, I want
the bar all tidied up and glasses cleaned. Got it ?
PEW (finds way to
bar) Anyone here help an old sailor blinded in the service of King George,
gawd bless him.?
understanding) Yes
PEW could you tell me is this ere the Benbow Inn?
PEW Do you have a man named Billy Bones staying here by
any chance?
PEW And does he drink in this bar ?
PEW Thankee you’ve been most helpful. I’ll have a cold
beer and wait for my old shipmate. Will you have a drink with me my dear.
PEW (Fumbles in
pocket brings out handful of coins just opens hand so coins drop all over floor
behind bar) This should cover it and one for yourself.
(Fumbles along bar with hand finds specimen bottle) Is this my beer?
BARMAID (still picking up coins) Ja
PEW Well cheers my dear, your very good health (drinks beerAdapt to Audience response) e.g. This is my beer isn’t it? Barmaid ‘Yes’. Etc – on drinking
Blind Pew does funny dance DRUM SOUND EFFECTS
PEW – (barmaid
stands up having collected dropped coins) Was that a local brew my dear?
PEW – Shiver me timbers it tastes like…..
BARMAID Ja !!!! (Barmaid puts coins in Pews
PEW Is that
my change my dear ? It’s a cheap drink, but then it would need to be.
WIDOW Helga, Helga! A glass of rum for Captain Bones he’s been taking ill
after eating dinner.
JIM (To audience) The fact he’s
just had warm haddock with Malibu & Cherryaid sauce and extra peanut butter
is obviously just a coincidence! (helps
Billy Bones into seat stage right Helga brings rum and gives to captain then
retires backstage)
WIDOW (Bends over to fan Billy bones) Deep
breaths captain
PEW (tap
taps towards BillyBones) Well Billy we meet again,
me old shipmate.
BONES – Blind Pew! (‘Pew’ into bucket)
PEW – I’ve got something for you Billy, from me an the
lads, here you are (thrusts hand onto
widows bottom DRUMS)
WIDOW – How dare you!
PEW – Sorry I just meant to give Billy the Black Spot.
Here you are Billy, here you are me lad (fumbles
over finds Billy Bones hand and gives the black spot) Me and the rest of
your old shipmates will be back to get what’s ours (EVIL LAUGH)-EXIT PEW STAGE
leave bucket on table) The spot, the spot, I’ve got the spot
A bit of acnes nothing to worry about I’ve got some
cream for my boils and it ……………….. (BONES
DROPS DEAD) Good heavens – is he dead?
WIDOW Jim – go and fetch the Doctor quick as you can
(Enter Doctor & Squire stage lower Door)
JIM It’s alright mum the Doctor & the squire have just arrived.
SQUIRE (Laughing talking to Dr) Haw
Haw Haw, there we were surrounded in the jungle by ferocious pygmies so I
cried, let go the marzipan doughnuts, by Jove the little blighters had never
seen anything like it and ran like rabbits
DOCTOR Jolly good show, what what!
WIDOW Doctor Doctor we’ve had another
DOCTOR Another?
SQUIRE Another?
WIDOW Another
SQUIRE Another what?
DOCTOR This is the 5th death at the Benbow Inn this month, dashed
if I can fathom the cause.
SQUIRE Bad luck old boy, when do they happen?
DOCTOR Strangely always after dinner and always after having A’ddock a La’
SQUIRE And you’ve know idea what the cause of death is old man?
DOCTOR None at all got me absolutely stumped what what!
JIM (To audience) Absolute
mystery isn’t it.!
Well I’m the local magistrate so what do you know
about this man, is he destitute?
WIDOW No squire he’s English
SQUIRE I mean is he without money?
WIDOW Oh no sir, he paid in gold – look (passes
over gold coin)
SQUIRE I say Livesey would you look at this!
DOCTOR What is it a gold sovereign what what?
WIDOW A gold doubloon?
SQUIRE – No it’s a scrummy chocolate coin – my favourite (peels & eats coin)
– Chocolate, chocolate, he paid me in chocolate!
He’s got a whole bag of money I’ll have what’s owed to me ! (finds bag on corpse empties bag on front of
stage - nuts & bolts fall out) Sailors, Sailors, I always said you cant
trust sailors, If he weren’t dead I’d kill him! I’ll have what he owes me, (ROUGHS UP CORPSE) Whats this ? (Finds treasure map) Here Jim read this
I haven’t got my glasses (Hands map to
JIM Mum it’s a map of an Island, with ‘Treasure Map’ written in big
letters on it. It says ‘Clappers treasure buried here’ with an ‘X marks the
spot’ and ‘This way to the lovely lolly’. Mum it’s a treasure map! (hands map to squire)
To obtain a full copy of this script or to buy a performance license